
Saturday 2 May 2020

Dolmio's Pasta Bake Sauces

Now, the other day, my sister made a delicious-looking pasta bake, using Dolmio's Creamy Tomato Sauce for Pasta Bake. Upon inspection of the jar, though, I noticed that it didn't say whether or not it was suitable for vegetarians. I saw that we had some different Dolmio sauces in the cupboard, which did say 'suitable for vegetarians' on them, so I assumed that the reason for this lack of labelling was because the creamy pasta bake sauce was not suitable for vegetarians; I emailed Dolmio to find out why this is. Now, I had to email them twice in order to gain this information. The first time, they merely replied by telling me that all of their vegetarian products are labelled as so on the packaging, which I guess is useful information, but definitely avoided answering the actual question I had asked. The second time I contacted them (with slightly more direct wording), they gave me a straightforward answer. They revealed that the reason for some of their sauces not being suitable for vegetarians is because they use milk protein that comes from animal rennet to form the creamy base of some of their sauces. It seems a recurring theme that companies process their whey and milk protein in a way that uses animal rennet, when there are obviously vegetarian alternatives! It really annoys me when there are simple changes that could be made to open their product out to a vegetarian market that are just being ignored!