
Sunday 23 August 2020

It's time for a change

Back in October of 2011, I became vegetarian, and I haven't looked back since. Cutting out meat products was actually pretty easy (or so I thought), as there are such great and easily accessible alternatives such as Quorn and tofu available nowadays. However, as I started to delve deeper and research more, I realised that there are lots of seemingly vegetarian products that actually contain animal derivatives. So, in August 2012, I created Veggie Kid's Blog to expose these false friends which seem vegetarian, but, in fact, are not. I posted on and off for four years and then left the website to collect dust for three years and four months. A lot happened in that three years and four months and one of the biggest changes in my life was that I became an adult and I started studying at university, so I felt like the name Veggie Kid's Blog no longer fit. So, in April of this year (2020), I rebranded the blog to Veggie Student's Blog. A few posts later, and that brings us up to today. This blog has been a part of my life (on and off) for eight years now and has seen many changes, but a very significant change has happened in my life recently that is very relevant to this blog; I became vegan. This not only makes my job more interesting now, but also harder. Sussing out products with secret meat is hard enough, but sussing out products with secret animal derivatives of any sort will be harder, but I'm looking forward to the challenge. I'll be documenting my journey from vegetarianism into veganism on this blog and will share with you any discoveries that I make. I'm looking forward to what this next chapter holds for this blog, and I hope you are too.