
Monday 27 August 2012


July 2012

Fresh olives, rosemary salt chips, margheritta pizza
When I entered the restaurant the atmosphere was lovely, the light was dim and music was playing quietly in the background. I was shown to my table straight away and was greeted with a warm glow of a candle and a menu. The waiter soon came back with a kids’ menu and fun pack, which involved colouring in and drawing. The toilets were impeccably clean, considering they were public toilets. Then we ordered drinks, after about 5 minutes the drinks were there, which I thought was incredibly quick service. The chairs weren’t as comfy as I would have liked them to be; although there were also leather sofas the chairs were made of wood and weren’t as comfortable. Then I ordered my starter of fresh olives and rosemary salt chips. The starters arrived even quicker than the drinks, the olives went in about 2 minutes, but the chips lasted throughout the meal. After we’d finished our olives we ordered our main; pizza. If you’re a child who feels extremely hungry (e.g. me) then I suggest you have the adult pizza, which is an absolute whopper (even I didn’t finish it). If you don’t get the adult portion, I’ve heard the child portion has just the same topping. The pizza arrived after about 10 minutes, a bit burnt, I tried a slice. It was a bit too crisp, and a bit too burnt, but it was full of flavour and the basil leaves were a lovely touch. As I said before, I didn’t finish the whole pizza, so for those of you who are like me get a doggy bag and take the pizza home.

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