
Thursday 16 April 2020

Burger King's Rebel Whopper

Hey! It's been a while since I've posted on here (3 years and 4 months to be exact), but with this lockdown not looking like it'll end anytime soon, I decided to hop back on the blog! If you're an OG fan, you'll have noticed that I've rebranded; Veggie Kid has now become Veggie Student. The passage of time, man... weird. Anyway, something else that compelled me to post on here is a story I read that I thought wouldn't look out of place on my blog, and reminded me about this odd corner of the internet.

If you've opened your eyes recently, it's likely that you've seen an advert for Burger King's 'Rebel Whopper'; a brand new burger, which they marketed as '100% plant based'. The multinational fast food chain has recently been prevented from advertising the burger as so, since it is cooked on the same grill as their meat burgers! To add insult to injury, they also launched the 'veggie' burger coinciding with Veganuary, whilst the burger definitely isn't vegan, since it has mayonnaise in it, which contains eggs. Although they didn't explicitly make the link between Veganuary and this burger, they were pretty much handing you a pen and asking you to connect the dots. It's only in the small print of their adverts that they admitted to cooking the burgers on the same grill as their meat burgers (I've attached a picture to the right - you can barely see it!), and who bothers to read small print? We've probably all sold our soul to three different companies without even realising it! To be honest, this is why I avoid fast food veggie options in general, since the product may well be vegetarian, but the way in which it is cooked may make it not.

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