
Saturday 25 April 2020

Mini Cheddars

So, a while back, I noticed that, whilst it says on Cheeselets' packaging that they're suitable for vegetarians, it doesn't say the same on Mini Cheddars'. Since both products are made by United Biscuits, I presumed that the only explanation for this was that Mini Cheddars are not suitable for vegetarians. A quick look at the ingredients, though, did not reveal anything obviously not vegetarian-friendly, so I decided to email United Biscuits, asking if they are in fact not suitable for vegetarians and asking, if this is true, why it is true. Their reply confirmed that they are, in fact, not suitable for vegetarians, and they did provide a reason as to why this is, but, at the bottom of the email it said that "This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and solely for the use of the intended recipient. They may contain material protected by legal professional or other privilege." Not wanting to get sued by United Biscuits, I shan't say here why they're not suitable for vegetarians, but if you look at my old post on cheese, then I'll leave you to put the puzzle pieces together for yourself.

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